Dental PPO Insurance Control Strategy and Negotiations With Sandi Hudson
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- Understand how to analyze your current PPO fee schedules to see which are reasonable and which are not sustainable.
- This includes evaluating the impace of Delta and how to know if Delta PPO vs Premier is an option for your practice.
- Learning and maximizing the differences between direct contracts and shared network agreements.
- Helping determine when it makes sense to add PPOs or when it's time to terminate contracts.
Course Description
- Virtually all dental offices have experienced the same crunch since COVID-19… stagnant reimbursement rates while costs have increased and a shrinking labor pool has created much higher salary expenses.
- Knowing how to evaluate which PPOs make sense for your office, if any, is key to offsetting some of this market change. We will be examining the following:
- How to evaluate your practice to get an excellent basic snapshot of the insurance companies' current impact on your practice.
- If you will attempt negotiations on your own, here are some tips for spending your time most productively.
- Understanding direct contracts compared to shared networks/third-party administrators. This is a critical part of contracting and knowing your options.
- Explain the differences between having a Delta PPO contract compared to being Delta Premier only and how to see if it’s an option for you and, if so, how to evaluate if it would make sense to pursue it.
- Determining when to reduce PPO participation and work less for the same, or better, collections.
- Determining when it may be time to consider expanding PPOs and how to evaluate the cost.
- Despite the social media bombardment of information, there’s no one right way for all practices to evaluate participation. Be comfortable creating the best path for taking control of your practice and finding the fit for you.