Storehouse Community Fund
School Pantry Grants
Many of our hard working teachers are sometimes strained by seeing their students need basic school supplies, food or toiletries and know that resources are limited to help. Our School Pantry Grants are designed to create $250 grants to schools to help provide a basic pantry of necessities that can be used at a teacher’s discretion for students in need.
We will be awarding 100 grants in 2021 with applications reviewed and awarded monthly.
Click here to download a grant application. The basics are:
- Any teacher that feels this is a need that would benefit their school may apply. A point person is listed on the application so that there is a specific person who is agreeing to organize inside the school. The school Principal must sign off agreeing that it’s approved.
- The grants can be awarded to elementary, middle or high schools. The schools can be public or private.
- Grants can be awarded more than once depending on availability of funds and need identified in the school.
- The $250 must be spent on food, school supplies, toiletries or clothing needs that any teacher in your school identifies as an item for a student in need.
- Please complete the one page application by printing it off and returning it to us. Grant requests may be submitted at any time of the year and will be reviewed and awarded monthly.
Grant submittals and questions can be directed to Brenda at