Excellent dental practice management extends beyond insurance participation. Below are some of our favorite people and businesses in the dental community providing services and resources that we have worked with or recommend. Our company policy is that we do not accept referral fees of any kind.
Odyssey Management/Teresa Duncan
Many of our clients need insurance related services beyond what we offer. For those looking for added front desk training, scripting in how to communicate insurance information to patients and setting up systems to better capitalize on insurance participation, Teresa Duncan provides these specific services. We have worked in tandem with Teresa with many clients and she also presents some of our materials through various speaking engagments so you may hear about us from Teresa if you catch one of her classes!
Tim Lott, CPA, CVA Dental CPAs
Specialist in providing accounting services to the dental profession. A valuable contributor to many online forums & at a state & national level.
Dental Town
Message board for all types of dental practitioners. If you choose one message board to participate with, this is the one! After you log on, go to “Message Boards” and then choose “Today’s Active Topics” to find topics that are being discussed up to the minute. This is our favorite online resource to stay on top of the dental industry!
The Dental Warrior
The Dental Warrior is a mix of product reviews, internet marketing and other dental topics presented “straight shooter” style. Written by dentist Mike Barr you’ll find independent reviews on products from a dentist’s perspective and also some interesting information on non-related dental topics. Visit https://thedentalwarrior.com where you can also sign up for blog updates.
Dr. Barr has also written an excellent resource called The Complete Website Owner’s Manual For Dentists. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more relevant tool for dentists in regards to websites. Even if you hire out for your website design this book is packed with information to help you determine which questions to ask and teaches how to navigate the internet world with ease. It’s a resource that you’ll refer back to over and over and should be on every dentist’s shelf.
Four Quadrants Advisory
Four Quadrants Advisory Companies combines dental accounting, custom financial planning, fee-only investing, and transition services – with only dentists as clients. Using an’inside-out’ approach, their team acts like an external CFO and improves your financial systems, in business and at home, to allow you to save a lot more for
retirement without producing more dentistry. Put your current plan to the test with the Dental Wealth Workup and change your financial future for good https://www.4quadrant.com
Cain, Watters and Associates
Cain, Watters & Associates, P.L.L.C. (CWA) is a CPA firm providing comprehensive financial planning, accounting and tax services to over 1,300 clients in 49 states. CWA is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment advisor. They are a community of individuals dedicated to the accumulation, preservation and perpetuation of wealth.